Wednesday, February 15, 2012

l1 - Super Bowl Celebrations

The Super Bowl always has good connotations for me. It is always within a few days of my birthday, so the birthday party festivities usually just blend into the Super Bowl celebration. For the Super Bowl, my family and I usually make a ton of fancy foods and dips and have a good time. We spend time with some of my closest cousins, eat good food, and enjoy the football game of course. In the end, it might just be an excuse to relax, enjoy each other’s company, and prolong the celebration of my birthday. Not that I am complaining about that, though. My greatest Super Bowl memory would have to be two thousand and seven. It was a few days before my actual birthday, but we had my party on that day. I remember sitting on the couch in my living room, writing in a new Marilyn Monroe journal that I had just gotten for my birthday that day (and I still have, by the way), drinking some French vanilla hot chocolate. This year was similar, actually. We had my family over in the morning for a breakfast brunch that I planned instead of a dinner. I even invited my best friend over to celebrate with us. Afterwards, we just unwound, and said our goodbyes because it was only my family and I watching the game. I’ve noticed that I never really remember the actual football aspect of the Super Bowl games; I just like spending quality time with people around me. That’s a good thing in my eyes, though. Later on down the road, it won’t matter who won the football game, but we will always remember the good times we had and the people we spent it with. Super Bowls are great for creating memories!

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