Thursday, April 19, 2012

o2 - Going to College Pays Off

For me, college has never not been an option. I was taught at a very young age by my parents that it would help me significantly in the future. This article simply reaffirms my beliefs and vindicates my plan to attend college for four years. I’m going to college so I will be able to get a steady, good paying job in the work force and make enough money to support my future family. Just like the article said, there are always college critics. The people who say that college is just a scam for money and that it doesn’t really pay off in the end. I think the statistics in the article we read for this blog disproves all of those with the hard facts. A college graduate with an associate’s degree makes more money than a person invested in stocks. In my eyes, college seems like the most logical and lucrative option for my future after high school. People who say college is a waste or a scam and try to “save money” by not going to college end up with the short end of the stick anyway because they will not get as high of a paying job, and the article that accompanied this blog proves it. As for myself, I will be attending Hilbert College in the fall, and I will be majoring in Paralegal Studies. Hilbert has the best Paralegal Studies program in Western New York. I am also considering working on a degree in Court Stenography while still studying Paralegal. This would open up more job opportunities for me, especially more opportunities for “real world” work while I’m still in college. I know that a college education will pay off for me, especially because the Paralegal field has one of the highest numbers of job openings for new college graduates with decent salaries.

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